Energy Schemes
Millbrook Power Project: Production of an Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report for a gas fired peaking power generating station and provision of ongoing environmental advice throughout the Development Consent Order Application process.
Abergelli Power Project: Production of an Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report for a gas fired peaking power generating station and provision of ongoing environmental advice throughout the Development Consent Order Application process.
Ebberston Early Development Scheme and Ebberston to Knapton Pipeline, North Yorkshire: Coordination of an ES for the re-use of the existing well at the Ebberston Moor ‘A’ wellsite; and construction of a new pipeline system to deliver gas and associated liquids from the existing Ebberston Moor ‘A’ wellsite to the KGS
Saltfleetby, Louth: Coordination of an ES for a gas storage facility and changes to an existing wellsite to accommodate a gas handling and treatment plant and equipment and the drilling of up to 11 new boreholes and appropriate infrastructures
Southmoor Energy Centre, Knottingley: Coordination of an ES for an Energy from Waste Centre within Kellingley Colliery
Wheelers Cross Wind Farm, Devon: Production of EIA and project manager for a planning application for a six turbine wind farm in Devon
Mixed Use Developments
Twyford and Klondyke Sites, Queenborough, Isle Sheppey: Coordination of environmental reports to support a planning application and discharge of planning conditions for the site clearance, remediation and land raising within the two brownfield sites to enable future mixed use development
The Old Fisons Site, Paper Mill Lane, Bramford Ipswich: Coordination of an ES for the partial demolition of a Grade II Listed Warehouse and refurbishment of the remaining warehouse for mixed commercial uses and erection of residential dwellings and associated infrastructure
Land North of Marnel Park, Basingstoke: Coordination of an ES for a residential development comprising up to 450 dwellings, public open space, access and landscaping
Land at Sturry, Canterbury: Coordination of an ES and ES Addendum for a residential development, comprising 750 dwellings, school, medical hub, community facility, public open space, access and landscaping
Land at Broad Oak Farm, Canterbury: Coordination of an ES and ES Addendum for a residential development comprising 456 dwellings and commercial area.
Maidstone J8: Coordination of an ES for a commercial development with storage and distribution/warehouse accommodation, offices, light industry and research and development on greenfield land to the east of Maidstone
Rushden Lakes and Land West of Rushden Lakes: Production of several Environmental Statements, Habitat and Access Management Plan, Flood Management Plan, Construction Environmental Management Plans, Reptile Mitigation Strategies and Reports to inform Screening of an Appropriate Assessment for a mixed use commercial development near Rushden and access road.
A34 Wolvercote Viaduct Replacement, Oxfordshire: Production of Stage 1/2 Assessment, Scoping Report, EIA and Environmental Detailed Design for the replacement of the A34 Wolvercote Viaduct, Oxfordshire
M25 Widening Section 2 Junctions 5-6/7, Kent and Surrey: Coordination of the Environmental Assessment Report and production of the Landscape and Visual Amenity Impact Assessment |